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Research Interests:
Modeling and control of biomechanical systems, BioRobotics, Mechatronics,
Design of mechanical systems.
1. Sanjari M.A., Farahmand F., Parnianpour M., 2002. Prediction of maximum
strength of lumbar spine in various postures. Iranian Ergonomics Conference,
2. Sanjari M.A., 1379. Rapid prototyping. Iran Khodro Monthly 47.
1. Design of a software interface for data acquisition and control of
physiotherapy tests using LABVIEW, Tarbiat Modares University.
2. Design and fabrication of manufacturing line of
automobile dashboard for IPACO CO.
3. Instruction of a workshop on Industrial Hydraulics (Fluid Power)
4. Finite element analysis of stress concentrations due to wholes in
metallic parts.