Vahid Golkhou

Sharif University of Technology
Tehran, Iran
Tel: (98/21) 616-5559

E-mails: &



Programming :C, Matlab, Simulink
Design and Fabrication of Mechatronic Systems. 
Computer Simulation of NeuroMusculoSkeletal Systems.


I am interested in understanding of Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Computational motor control in human movement and Stability through modeling Neuromusculoskeletal system and Reinforcement Learning. The research in Ms. program is "Artificial Intelligence Based Control of Human Lumbar Spine, providing both movement and stability" .
Robotics, Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, Fuzzy and Virtual Reality are also my interests.


Iranian Citizen, Male, Single.


  • Intelligent Design of Mechanical Elements, (BS. Thesis).
  • Design and Fabrication an Intelligent Robot for Second Iranian Robot Contest, 2001 Member of university of Tehran Robotic Team(2001).
  • Design and Fabrication of a Haptic Interface System (Joystick) for Interacting with Deformable Tissue Environment, (VR Application to Surgical Training). 
  • Artificial Intelligence Based Control of Human lumbar spine, providing both equilibrium and stability, (MS Thesis).


   Refereed Conference Papers:

·         V. Golkhou, R. Narimani, M. Hoviattalab, E. Karimi, J. Khamsei, A. Gandomi "Design and Fabrication of a Haptic Interface System for Interacting with Deformable Tissue Environments (ICBME'04), Tehran, Iran.(2004, in Persian)

·         V. Golkhou, B. Dariush, C. Lucas, M. Parnianpour "The Role of Multisensor Data Fusion in Neuromuscular Control Using Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning Method."
(IITinCDP' 04 And Neural Networks), Tehran, Iran.

·         V. Golkhou, C. Lucas, M. Parnianpour "Neuromuscular Control of Sagittal Arm During Repetitive Movement by Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning Method." In Press to proc. WAC2004, Seville, Spain.

·         V. Golkhou, Application of Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm (GA) in Design and Optimization of Spur Gear (In Progress).

·         V. Golkhou, M. Parnianpour, C. Lucas "Human Arm Motor Control Model Through Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning Method" Poster Abstract to the Biologically Inspired Robotics Symposium, University of Essex, UK. 8th to 9th September 2004. [Download]

   Journal Papers:

·         V. Golkhou, M. Parnianpour, C. Lucas "The Role of Multisensor Data Fusion in Neuromuscular Control of a Sagittal Arm with a Pair of Muscles using Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning Method", In Press  to the Journal of  “Technology and Health Care”.

·          V. Golkhou, C. Lucas, M. Parnianpour "Application of Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning Method for Control of a Sagittal Arm During Oscillatory Movement", In Press to the Journal of  Biomedical Engineering, Application, Basis and Communications”.

·         V. Golkhou, C. Lucas, M. Parnianpour "Neuromuscular Control of Point to Point and Oscillatory Movements of a Sagittal Arm with Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning Method", Submitted  to the Journal of  “Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering”.

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WAC2004, Seville, Spain, June 28-31. (World Automation Congress)

Useful Sites:

Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (Book by R. Sutton, A. Barto)

Reinforcement Learning FAQ (edited by R. Sutton)

Computational Motor Control, JHU, Reza Shadmehr

Sensorimotor Control Lab, Daniel Wolpert 

The Society for the Neural Control of Movement

IEEE Robotics and Automation Society 

Biological Cybernetics

Emilio Bizzi Lab.

Andrew G. Barto

Emanuel Todorov
