Simultaneous Control of Multiple heterogeneous Magnetic Micro-Swimmers

The current study deals with the design and implementation of a system for simultaneous independent control of multiple swimming magnetic MRs. The ability to control multiple MRs simultaneously and independently could lead to higher performance, and even make new applications possible. The two main methods for this purpose are the use of heterogeneous and homogeneous MRs. In the first category, MRs have different dimensions and magnetic properties, and will react differently against the same magnetic field. In current study, two novel designs based on heterogeneous MRs and one design based on homogeneous MRs are presented. For the heterogeneous MRs, dynamic equations are written and design parameters are discussed. Based on conducted simulation, three MRs controlled in 3D space simultaneously where the robot speed reaches 520 um/s. 

Project members: Ruhollah Khalesi

Khalesi, Ruhollah, Hossein Nejat Pishkenari, and Gholamreza Vossoughi. "Independent control of multiple magnetic microrobots: design, dynamic modelling, and control." Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics 16.2 (2020): 215-224.


    Micro Nano Robotics Laboratory

    Department of Mechanical Engineering 

    Sharif University of Technology

    Azadi Av. Tehran, Iran

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