Seyyed Hamed Hosseini Nasab                             Resume in PDF


Research Interests:         

      Finite Element Method, Biomechanics of Orthopaedics and Bone injuries, Spine Biomechanics

        Nanotechnology, Ergonomy.


    In English:

      1. Farahmand, F., Hosseini Nassab, H., Karegarnovin, M. H., A Finite Element   Study of the
          L3-L5 Lumbar Unit Subjected to Physiological Load Cases, Proceeding of ESDA 2002,

      2. Farahmand, F., Hosseini Nassab, A Finite Element Study of The Effects of Nucleotomy, Proceeding
         of Biomed 2002, Malaysia.

      3. Hosseini Nasab, H., Farahmand, F., A Finite Element Study of the Effects of Initial Intradiscal Pressure on
          Lumbar Spine Safety, EMBEC 2002, Austria (Abstract accepted).

       In Persian:

     1. Hosseini Nasab, H., Farahmand, F., Karegarnovin, M. H., Investigation of the relation between  mechanical
         parameters and the low back pain by finite element modeling of the L3-L5 lumbar unit, Proceeding of ISME 2002, Iran.

     2. Parnianpour, M., Farahmand, F., Hosseini Nasab, H., Determination of the safe region of the human  activities
         using optimization method, Journal of research activities of the mechanical Eng. Department of   Sharif University
         of Technology, 2002.

     3. Hosseini Nasab, H., Kasiri, S., Investigation of the remodeling process in the stabilized spine, Proceeding of the 3rd
         Student Conference of Iranian Biomedical Eng. 2002.

     4. Hosseini Nasab, H., Kasiri, S., Belashi, A., A parametric study of the intervertebral disc using finite element method,
         Proceeding of  SCISME 2002.

     5. Kasiri, S., Belashi, A., Hosseini Nasab, H., Investigation of the effects of damage and internal remodeling on the femur
         bone under fatigue loads using strain energy density method, Proceeding of  SCISME 2002.

     6. Belashi, A., Hosseini Nasab, H., Kasiri, S., Investigation of the effects of the geometry of the patellofemural joint on the  
        cinematic of this joint, Proceeding of  SCISME 2002.

     7. Parnianpour, M., Farahmand, F., Hosseini Nasab, H., Investigation of the effects of changes in PCSA and strength of
         lumbar muscles on the safe region of physical activities, ‍Proceeding of Iranian National Conference of Ergonomics in
         Industry and Manufacturing, Iran, 2002.

Research Activities:

   1. Research Assistant in the project of “Investigation of the effective factors on the
         performance of ultrasonic flowmeters, Individual research project, Sharif university,

     2. Research Assistant in the project of “Determination of the Safe Range of the Human
         Activities”, Sharif University of Technology, 2001-2002.

     3. Research Assistant in the project of “Development of design and manufacturing technology
        of the custom   made prosthesis, Science, research and technology ministry, 2002-2003.

     4. Research Assistant in the project of “Development of a system for analysis of the
         kinematic and dynamic of the human movements, Sharif University of Technology,
